Building Qt-4.8.7 x64 on OS X 10.11 with Xcode 7.x

This is an update to my previous “Building Qt-4.8.6 x64 on OS X 10.10 with Xcode 6.x so that it works on OS X 10.6+” with the small difference that I don’t try to support 10.6 anymore (it might still work?). Also note that openssl has been deprecated for a while on Mac OS X and the OS X 10.11 SDK does not ship with the openssl headers anymore. Therefor, openssl support will be disabled by default when you compile with Xcode 7. I have a workaraound for that to restore openssl support.

I set up 3 folders:


> cd qt-4.8.7-src
> patch -p1 < ../qt-patches/qt-4.8.7-mac.patch
> cd ../qt-4.8.7-build
> export PATH=/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin
> ../qt-4.8.7-src/configure -debug-and-release -nomake examples -no-qt3support -prefix /usr/local/Qt-4.8.7 -arch x86_64 -I "$PWD/../qt-patches/mac_openssl_include"


  • the extra include path just point to the openssl headers, now missing from the system.
  • not all examples build, so I disable them.

Build and install:

> make -j3
> sudo make install
